Daily Puzzles

Great Aunt Zelda keeps sending these strange confusing letters. Once per week it seems. Help Latisha decipher this confusing letter.

It was a normal day. Latisha was going to her mailbox to bring back home her mail. She didn't know what horrors faced her at the counter.

Latisha has baked a beautiful cake. When she comes home from her book study she finds it has been eaten.

Latisha has received another strange message from her Great Aunt Zelda. Can you help Latisha solve the strange equation found in the letter?

It's Larry's turn to cook dinner and he has decided to order pizza. Calculate how much Larry should pay for his ridiculous order.

Latisha has found a spider. Help the spider overcome her unfounded oppression in today's daily puzzle.

Latisha has received another strange message from her Great Aunt Zelda. Can you help Latisha answer her strange Great Aunt?

Latisha has received a strange message from her Great Aunt Zelda. It was found in a normal envelope but the writing doesn't make any sense. Can you help Latisha solve this riddle?

Latisha is making Larry install carpet in their unfinished basement. Help Larry complete this task with the least amount of effort required.

Larry is having his sister and family over for supper. Their table is too small. Help Larry and Latisha purchase a larger table.

Great aunt Zelda really loves her labels. It would be a shame to waste even one. Help her provide care to the rare flower without using any more labels than she has to.

Larry must shovel his entire driveway after a freak winter storm. His wife Latisha wants to get the kids to school. Help Larry calculate how much marital credit this task will earn him.

Latisha's candles are being blown out by the wind. Figure out how many candles survive.

Latisha is knitting a Christmas scarf for her Great Aunt Zelda. Help her figure out how many stripes to knit.

Larry's children don't like sharing or complete chores. Help them split the cookies into a fair ratio.

Larry doesn't want to pick the apple tree but his wife, Latisha, keeps nagging him. Help Larry find a moral victory.