'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
This statement is not true because we have learned,
A mouse was in fact stirring, he was very concerned.
The mouse was not happy for he had stubbed his big toe,
On the edge of the stairwell, outside in the snow.
His contractor, Steve, had cut each step too tall,
And the steps were all crooked, he did poorly install.
The problem, you see, was that Steve had no pride in his work,
His boss who was called Peter was a really big jerk.
While working on the stairwell's foundation,
Steve had made a big miscalculation.
The height of each step was to be 1 centimeter high,
But Steve was too lazy; the measure he did misapply.
When milling the wood the mistake was not apparent,
Steve, the dimwit, had very poor judgment.
One hundred eighty two centimeters, the height that the stairwell measured,
With only thirteen steps; they were not even centered.
At least the mouse should be glad he did not fall,
How many extra steps were built, in the end, after all?