Daily Puzzles

Old video games had a very limited amount of storage space and memory. Calculate how many game cartridges you would need to store a digital video.

Mario and his brother Luigi have met a ditzy princess. She needs to bake a cake. You wouldn't believe the pink cake she baked.

It looks like someone has been writing nonsense. Solve for how this equation can make sense.

In an alternate reality the numbers have been changed. Can you add simple numbers in an alternate reality?

A bathtub drain is partially clogged. How long before the bathtub overflows and causes water damage?

Latisha has received another strange message from her Great Aunt Zelda. Can you help Latisha solve the strange equation found in the letter?

It's Larry's turn to cook dinner and he has decided to order pizza. Calculate how much Larry should pay for his ridiculous order.

Larry has purchased some candy at the corner store and wants to pay with exact change. Help him complete basic math.

Three similar looking jackets are in a closet. You wouldn't believe what happened to them next.

Latisha needs to buy cheese for her growing family. You wouldn't believe how much this woman paid for cheese. Click here to help her find out.

Dave proposes an equation to his father Larry. Can Larry figure out his son's age using simple math?

Eight race cars are racing. Can you figure how time will elapse before all the cars be at the starting line again?

A train is packed with villainous and dangerous explosives. Headquarters has tasked you with diffusing the bomb. Are you up to the task?

A space colony ship is forced to jettison its warp drive and resume its course using regular sub-light engines. How long will it take the colony ship to reach its destination?

A skyscraper must be filled with pudding. How much milk do we need to fill the skyscraper with pudding?

Four villagers, Bob, Larry, Samantha, and Edgar, are running for mayor. Who won the election?

Larry ran in a marathon but the officials forgot to record his time. Help Larry calculate his average velocity.

Larry doesn't want to pick the apple tree but his wife, Latisha, keeps nagging him. Help Larry find a moral victory.

Larry wants to build an Olympic sized pool but his wife, Latisha, wants a garden. Help them come to a compromise.