Daily Puzzle
Race Car Laps
January 21, 2015

There are 8 race cars that drive at varying velocities. Their velocities are identified below:
Race car A: 1 lap per minute.
Race car B: 2 laps per minute.
Race car C: 3 laps per minute.
Race car D: 4 laps per minute.
Race car E: 5 laps per minute.
Race car F: 6 laps per minute.
Race car G: 7 laps per minute.
Race car H: 8 laps per minute.
All of the race cars start the race at the same time and are racing in the same direction to avoid crashing. How many minutes will elapse before all 8 racecars are at the starting line again?
Puzzle Notes
Each race car drives at a different velocity.
Race cars generally race in the same direction to avoid crashing.
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