Daily Puzzle
Balrog, Wolf, and Chicken Raft
December 11, 2014

Larry has a balrog, two chickens, and a wolf. He must get them across the river in a raft. This hypothetical raft can only hold Larry and two other creatures on each trip back and forth.
The chickens have taken self-defense classes. However in a one-on-one fight the wolf would still win because it is more burly. That being said, the balrog doesn't like the wolf and will eat him, given the chance.
Assuming that the balrog will eat the wolf if alone with it and the wolf will eat a chicken if only one chicken is on its side, how many trips must Larry take across the river to get the creatures to the other side of the river safely?
Puzzle Notes
The balrog will eat the wolf if alone.
The wolf will eat a chicken if only one chicken is on its side.
The wolf is not smart. It will eat a chicken, allowing the balrog to eat it.
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